Academy of Holy Spirit led Equine-Assisted Coaching
- 9099 Hwy N, Mount Vernon, Missouri 65712
Holy Spirit led Equine-Assisted Coaching is a Christ-centered approach that uses horses to help people see, feel and experience the undeniable power of Holy Spirit of God ministering to them in His Truth, Glory and Grace.
We invite Holy Spirit of God to lead, minister and guide us in alignment with His Word.
Through worship, prayer and in unmounted Equine-Assisted interactive sessions – Holy Spirit reveals untruths and misalignments that have been able to lie, manipulate, misguide, restrict, confuse or paralyze us.
The Academy of Holy Spirit led Equine-Assisted Coaching is committed to Certifying born-again Believers who have said “Yes” to Christ Jesus – in order to bring Hope and Healing to all the world.